Momaid Infant Lounger CPSC Warning

August 6, 2023

On June 8, 2023, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a warning about the Momaid infant lounger. According to that warning, the product does not meet critical US safety standards for infant sleep products. 

Danger Presented by the Momaid Baby Lounger

This infant lounger presents multiple dangers to any baby placed inside it because it violates federal safety standards.

The first problem is that infant lounger pillows are required to have minimum side heights to prevent children from rolling out of them and falling onto the floor or another surface. The Momaid product does not meet these requirements.

Additionally, this product does not have a stand, which is also required by federal standards. The lack of a stand means that infants sleeping in loungers might roll over and suffocate.

Finally, the Momaid baby lounger lacks labels that give consumers information about the product and manufacturer, and it lacks instructions for safe use. Both of these are required for all products sold in the US.

The result of these deficiencies is that babies using this product are at serious risk of injury or death.

Has the Product Been Recalled?

Typically, when a product is a danger to the people who use it, the manufacturer issues a recall for the product. This both protects the people who currently own the product and minimizes any liability the company has if people continue to use the product and get injured.

However, in this case, Zhejiang Juster Trading, LLC, the seller of the product, has refused to issue a baby lounger recall. The company is not cooperating with the CPSC in any way or offering any type of warning or assistance to customers.

This means that many of the previous customers are unaware of the danger presented by the product. It is likely that many parents are still using the Momaid infant lounger with no clue that the product is hazardous.

However, while the product hasn’t been recalled, few, if any, US companies are still selling the product. This means that if you don’t already own a Momaid baby lounger, there is little danger that you will accidentally purchase one.

What to Do if Your Child Has Been Hurt

If your child was injured while using a Momaid baby lounger, you may be eligible for compensation. The first thing you should do is ensure your child gets proper medical attention as quickly as possible.

Medical Attention

Both falling injuries and suffocation can result in lifelong harm to an infant.

When a child falls while very young, they can cause damage to developing bones or soft tissue. This damage can prevent those body parts from developing properly, leading to lifelong disability.

Similarly, if a child hits their head due to a fall, the injury can result in brain damage. If the wrong part of the brain is injured, that brain damage could hinder the development of motor skills, language, or other important functions. Even a seemingly minor head injury could permanently affect a child’s development.

Suffocation is similar. When a child suffocates, oxygen flow to their brain slows or stops. Even just a minute or two of oxygen deprivation can cause brain damage, which results in roughly the same effects as a blow to the head.

Legal Help

Once a doctor has evaluated and treated your child, you should consult with a product liability attorney. Experienced product liability lawyers from McEldrew Purtell will determine the value of any harm your child suffered.

Many parents underestimate this harm because they don’t understand the types of compensation they can receive. In a product liability lawsuit, your attorney can potentially get you compensation for:

  • All medical bills
  • Future assistance services or therapy your child might need
  • Lost future wages due to disability
  • Medical equipment your child requires
  • Pain and suffering due to the injury
  • Loss of companionship that results from the disability

Experienced attorneys can accurately determine the value of costs years or even decades after the injury. This means that your lawsuit could potentially net your child millions of dollars, depending on how badly they were injured.

What You Should Do if You Own a Momaid Infant Lounger

First, you should immediately stop using it. The numerous safety violations make it unsafe for use, even with modifications.

If your child has already been injured due to poor product design, you can speak to a lawyer about getting compensation through a lawsuit. But if you continue to use the product after learning about the danger it presents, the company is no longer liable for any harm that befalls your child. Instead, you could be liable for harming your infant.

Unfortunately, you will probably not be able to get your money back for the defective product you purchased. The company is located overseas and is not cooperating with the CPSC, so there are few options to recover the cost of the product or get a safe replacement. 

It is better to accept that loss and move on than sell the product to someone else and put another child at risk of injury, an outcome for which you would be responsible. The appropriate action to take is to destroy the baby lounger so that no one else ever uses it.

If your child or loved one was injured as a result of using a Mormaid Infant Lounger, contact McEdlrew Purtell to discuss your legal options. Initial consultations are always free.