When To Hire a Commercial Vehicle Accident Lawyer

April 14, 2023

Commercial truck accidents are frightening events that can end in death or catastrophic injuries. Commercial truck accidents are frightening events that can end in death or catastrophic injuries. While it is possible to proceed without a lawyer, it’s always in your best interest to seek legal assistance. Keep reading for a guide to how and when to contact a lawyer.

The Role of Commercial Truck Accident Lawyer

Taking your legal case seriously is crucial when you suffer substantial damages from trucking accidents. You have one opportunity to recover the money you need to cover the costs of your past and future medical expenses, property damage, and any other damages you have suffered.

Your commercial vehicle accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve. Each case is unique and deserves careful consideration and attention to detail. Your personal injury lawyer will thoroughly examine your case so that the responsible parties are held accountable for their actions.

There are several parties that the court could hold responsible for your injuries, including the following:

  • Trucking companies
  • Commercial drivers
  • Truck drivers
  • Government entities

Semi-truck accident lawyers will investigate each party involved in the accident to determine the responsible party. Sometimes multiple parties are liable. Once your attorney identifies the responsible parties, they will plead your case to the court and request fair compensation.

7 Instances Where You Should Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer

There are certain instances where it is particularly important to speak with semi-truck accident lawyers to determine the best way to proceed. The following are seven times hiring truck accident attorneys is especially wise.

You Have Debilitating Injuries

If you or your loved one suffered debilitating or catastrophic injuries from a semi-truck accident, this is a sign you should consider hiring a trucking accident lawyer. Big injuries come with big medical bills. When you have accumulated substantial medical bills, your lawsuit needs serious attention from someone who can help. This is especially true if you have suffered lasting injuries that will continue to accrue medical costs in the future. 

Examples of debilitating injuries include:

  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Neck injuries and whiplash
  • Burns
  • Internal injuries
  • Limb loss and amputation
  • Disfiguring facial scars and injuries
  • Lacerations and road rash
  • Crushing injuries
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

Courts can award damages for future medical costs and order the negligent party to pay you for future medical bills. An experienced commercial truck accident attorney can help make this happen. 

Extensive Damage Has Been Done

Trucking accidents can cause extensive damage to your property. The size and weight of large trucks like semi-trucks and box trucks can total your vehicle and damage any property you carry. 

Certain events are more likely to result in extensive damage, including:

  • Equipment failure
  • Jackknifing
  • Rollovers
  • Multiple vehicle accidents
  • Fires and explosions

When you face soaring bills to repair or replace your damaged or ruined property, it is time to speak with an experienced semi-truck accident attorney. A lawyer who understands semi-truck accidents can properly convey the important details of your case to the court. This will give you the best chance of recovering fair compensation. 

It’s Not Clear Who the Liable Party Is

As with many roadway accidents, it is not always obvious who to blame. Sometimes multiple parties are responsible for the accident, or several parties may share liability. Even the agency responsible for maintaining the road could be at fault if the road was dangerous.

In Philadelphia, the courts generally use comparative negligence to determine liability for semi-truck accidents and split damage costs. This means that you can recover damages, even if you were partially responsible for the accident. However, you cannot be mostly responsible for the accident. 

For example, imagine you shared responsibility for a serious wreck with a semi-truck that caused $100,000 in medical and property damages. The following outcomes are possible, depending on the court’s decision:

  • Contributory negligence allocation: You: 10%, driver: 90%. The court will order the driver to pay $90,000 to cover the driver’s allocation of the damages.
  • Contributory negligence allocation: You: 25%, driver 75%. The court will order the driver to pay you $75,000.
  • Contributory negligence allocation: You: 51%, driver 49%. The court will not order the driver to pay anything, as you held the most responsibility for the accident.

A savvy lawyer who understands big rig trucking accidents will know what evidence needs to be gathered and presented to plead your case to the court properly. 

You Need Help Affording Medical Care

It is unfair for an accident victim to shoulder the medical costs of an accident they did not cause. One way to receive assistance is to hire experienced attorneys to take your trucking accident case to court. If your lawyer is successful, the court may order the negligent party to pay for your medical care and other damages.

If you hire a lawyer who works on a contingency basis, you have nothing to lose. Contingency means you owe your lawyer nothing if they do not recover damages.

You’re Being Blamed for Causing the Accident

Sometimes the party that caused the accident attempts to shift the blame to you. You may know you were not responsible, but proving it can be challenging.

If your lawyer properly pleads your case and presents the right evidence, the court will fully understand the event. It is more likely to see you were the victim and rule in your favor.

The Driver-At-Fault Was Under the Influence of Drugs

Some drivers cause truck crashes because they are driving under the influence. This can add an extra complication to your case, making it less straightforward. An experienced lawyer can help you prove the driver’s intoxication. Your attorney can contact witnesses to gather statements, recover police reports, and investigate potential CCTV footage of the accident scene to find the necessary evidence.

You Have to Prove Loss of Income

Devastating trucking accidents can cause you to miss weeks or months of work. In rare cases, you may be unable to work again. It is imperative that your lawyer includes this loss of income in your damages. For the court to award you the compensation you deserve, your attorney must prove the extent of your injuries and how that will impact your ability to earn a living.

Get Support While You Recover From Severe Injuries

If you or your loved one has been injured in a trucking accident, the experienced attorneys at McEldrew Purtell can help. We handle the lawsuit while you focus on your recovery.

Contact us today to speak with a commercial vehicle accident lawyer.