The Most Dangerous Roads for PA for Trucking Accidents

December 28, 2021

Driving is a hard thing that requires focus to succeed at driving and to make sure you’re driving safely. Certain roads in various parts of the world have different feelings, and the people who drive on those roads will often have quirks or elements of their driving that are specific to the location. Pennsylvania is not exempt from this phenomenon. For this article, we’ll be focusing on Pennsylvania and, specifically, on dangerous roads in Pennsylvania. Every year these roads have the highest incidence of accidents and require higher vigilance from drivers. If you’re someone who drives in Pennsylvania, and you want to avoid getting into an accident – as you should! – you should read this article about the most dangerous roads in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvanian Roads

Pennsylvania is a state that has hundreds of roads and highways that are used to ensure that commuters, residents, and other people who use transportation can access their businesses and homes. Over 120,000 miles of roads cover the whole of Pennsylvania, and hundreds of thousands of people use them each day . . . as such, it should come as no surprise that Pennsylvania auto accidents occur on a very frequent basis. As you may be able to glean from the article title and how much traffic the Pennsylvanian roads see, there are specific roads that see more accidents than others. So, especially if you’re a truck driver, or you frequently drive on truck-heavy roads, you might want to know of certain roads to avoid to try and lower your risk of ending up in an accident.

Roosevelt Boulevard

Although you may think that the biggest factor of accidents is traffic congestion – aid it is, in fact, a large cause of accidents – that isn’t the case for Roosevelt Boulevard. Roosevelt Boulevard isn’t even on a major highway in Pennsylvania. Having said that, many people still use this road daily, and a lot of people who use it end up speeding a lot, which is, of course, dangerous. Roosevelt Boulevard is a stretch of road that is made up of six 12-foot-wide lanes that run in opposing directions. Because of how many people use this road daily and how many of them end up speeding, severe accidents can occur on this road. Even if you are making sure that you’re going the speed limit and watching all traffic signs, you may still find yourself in an accident caused by one of the many other people on the road.

Interstate 83, Near Harrisburg

This particular Interstate (Interstate 83) is the road that runs between Baltimore and Harrisburg. It also is a prevalent road that people use to travel between the two areas. However, because it’s so popular, thousands of people use the road daily. It’s one of the most heavily-trafficked roads in the entirety of Pennsylvania. If you are a truck driver and you have any way of avoiding this road, do so. However, if you have to use it, make sure you’re being as cautious as possible to avoid getting into an accident.

Interstate 95 and Interstate 76

This road is known as both Interstate 95 and the Delaware Expressway. No matter what you call it, this road is notorious for having a large number of accidents happen on it. It has a very well-trafficked interchange with Interstate 76 . . . and this specific interchange was once listed within the top 100 most dangerous roads in the United States. Even though it’s no longer listed quite so high on the danger scale, it is still extremely busy and dangerous. It once had so many accidents that the math worked out to one fatality per mile. This is a wild statistic if you think about it.

Interstate 81

No list of dangerous roads in Pennsylvania would be complete without adding Interstate 81 to the list. This is the road that connects through Chambersburg and Carlisle, and it is used by nearly 100,000 drivers each day. Back in 2014, a 50-car pileup famously happened on this road, and it resulted in two fatalities. And then, in 2016 – although it luckily didn’t result in any deaths – there was a crash that resulted in the interstate being shut down for several hours. 

What To Do If You End Up In An Accident

Especially if you’re a truck driver, you might find yourself on the wrong end of an insurance claim. Considering that, no matter who is at fault, the driver of a smaller vehicle is much more likely to end up with an injury, you might find yourself having to avoid being sued if you end up in an accident. If this is something that is happening to you, you might want to look into getting a traffic accident lawyer to help you avoid the claim. The PA Truck Accident Lawyers at McEldrew Purtell have over 30 years of truck accident experience, having won millions of dollars in truck accident cases. Call the team today at (866) 721-8431 or fill out our form for a free consultation.