4 Steps To Take After an Uber Car Accident

August 31, 2023

Involvement in any motor vehicle wreck is unnerving, but if you’ve been in an Uber car accident, you probably have additional questions about what you should do in the event of a rideshare accident

Uber car accident insurance coverage will largely depend on the circumstances under which the accident occurred, who is liable in the Uber accident, and the insurance policy responsible for the claim. 

What Happens if You Are in an Accident in an Uber?

An eligible Uber car accident passenger riding in a vehicle actively providing rideshare services enjoys protection under Uber’s third-party liability coverage. Uber third-party insurance provides bodily injury coverage for Uber drivers and passengers whose personal auto insurance policy won’t pay related expenses. 

The company employs these guidelines when considering Uber insurance claims:

  • The rideshare driver is found to be at fault
  • The accident in question occurred en route to a rideshare destination 
  • The driver had their Uber app on, and it showed that they accepted a fare at the time of the crash

Passengers are eligible to file an Uber claim form and receive financial compensation up to $1,000,000 for bodily injury and property damage. 

In the event that another driver is at fault, Uber provides uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance for a personal injury claim not covered by that driver’s private insurance policy.

Steps To Ensure You Have a Strong Claim After an Uber Car Accident

You may wonder what to do after an Uber accident, especially if you weren’t driving the vehicle. There are several steps you can take following a rideshare accident to increase your chances of receiving a fair settlement. Uber accident “what to do” steps include:

1. Get Medical Attention

Make sure everyone involved in the crash is conscious and alert. Call for emergency responders when necessary and seek medical care, even if you don’t immediately feel the effects of the impact. It can take up to several hours for hidden injuries, such as internal bleeding or head trauma, to reveal themselves following a crash. Some of these conditions can be life-threatening when left untreated. 

An insurance company may claim that your injuries occurred later and were not a direct result of the accident if you fail to seek prompt medical attention. This can jeopardize your ability to receive the full compensation you’re owed. Document any treatment you receive during a medical exam and follow up on recommendations from your healthcare provider.

2. Report the Accident to the Police and Document the Incident

Report your involvement in an accident to law enforcement as soon as possible so that you have a strong basis for your medical expenses and lost wages to be covered by insurance. It’s the responsibility of both the driver and the passengers to notify police of their involvement in Uber crashes. You will need a copy of the police report when you file your Uber injury claim. 

It’s helpful to document the accident scene if you are physically able to do so by taking photographs of both vehicles, as well as capturing conditions of the crash site as evidence. Document the placement of any traffic signals or road signs in the area, hazards in the roadway, or adverse weather conditions that may have contributed to the collision. 

Additionally, write down the contact information for everyone involved in the crash, including names, driver’s license numbers, addresses, and phone numbers. Record the same information for eyewitnesses to the accident. This information will be critical in the event that you later need to file an Uber accident lawsuit.

3. Submit a Claim With Uber

Complete an Uber insurance claim. If you need information on how to file a claim with Uber insurance, call Uber’s emergency number at (800) 354-8237. You can also access the help feature in the Uber app and file a claim that way. Have the following information available before you begin:

  • Location of the accident
  • Date of the accident
  • Time of the accident
  • A description of what happened
  • The name of the person you believe was at fault
  • Additional details of the accident
  • Photos (if available)

Once the accident report is complete, Uber will open an internal investigation into what occurred. It’s highly recommended that you retain a copy of the insurance claim you filed with Uber in case there are questions or discrepancies later.

4. Contact Insurance Companies

In some scenarios, Uber’s insurance policy is supplemental and will only cover expenses that a driver or passenger’s personal auto insurance policies deny. You will need to determine which insurance policies are responsible for issuing payment in your particular case and contact the company directly. 

Average Uber Passenger Accident Settlement Amounts

The settlement amount of an Uber accident payout can vary widely based on many different factors, such as:

  • Extent of victim’s injuries and pain
  • Severity of the accident
  • How many individuals were involved
  • Victim’s loss of income or ability to work
  • Psychological suffering caused to the victim

Therefore, it’s difficult to provide an average settlement amount for an Uber car accident. Uber car accident settlements range anywhere from $10,000 to $1 million, depending on the severity of the wreck.

An experienced rideshare accident lawyer is most qualified to assess all of the evidence in your case and determine what it will be worth to a judge or jury.

Contact an Uber Car Accident Attorney To Secure Fair Compensation

The reality is that insurance companies are mainly interested in protecting their bottom line, so receiving a full Uber car accident settlement payout can be a monumental struggle. Avoid accepting any offer too quickly, or you may miss out on valuable compensation that is rightfully owed to you. It’s wise to consult an Uber car accident attorney who can represent your interests with the insurance companies and help you pursue a fair payout.

The team at McEldrew Purtell specializes in catastrophic injury cases. Our Philadelphia-based trial attorneys have recovered billions of dollars on behalf of injury victims, including commercial rideshare accident passengers. We handle most litigation on a contingency basis, meaning we don’t get paid if we don’t recover. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.