Serious Car Accidents Remained High During COVID-19 Pandemic, While Minor Crashes Dropped Drastically

As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the nation’s way of life. One example of this can be seen in the amount of traffic on the nation’s roadways. When people are commuting as normal, there are certain times with elevated levels of traffic. However, now that many people are suffering a lack of work and work schedules and routines have been changed to adapt to necessary coronavirus precautionary procedures, the amount of traffic on the road has decreased. Researchers have been looking into whether these altered traffic routines have resulted in any changes to traffic accidents. While it’s clear that the number of cars on the nation’s roads has dropped considerably as a result of the coronavirus and related shutdowns, research has suggested that the number of serious accidents, injuries, and fatalities has largely remained level.

In the fall of 2020, researchers from the University of Missouri investigated traffic patterns as they changed during the lockdown period in several states. They were looking into whether the reduced amount of vehicles on the road reduced the number of car crashes and their seriousness. They performed an analysis using data from the Statewide Traffic Accident Records System. This system logged nearly 2,300 traffic accidents on Missouri roads from January through May. To determine whether or not the shutdowns affected the number of car accidents, the researchers categorized the period from March 23 to May 3 as the shutdown period. According to their findings, the number of daily accidents on the road was reduced, falling from 17.9 to 14.4 incidents per day. They also found that there was a significant drop in the rate of collisions resulting in minor or no injuries, dropping from 14.5 to 10.8 incidents per day. Unfortunately, despite these reductions in crashes, the rate of serious and fatal accidents increased from 3.4 per day to 3.7 per day during the lockdown. The researchers hypothesized that there could be a number of reasons for these conflicting results. One possible factor is that the more clear highways allowed dangerous drivers to speed more easily, leading to an elevation in crashes at high speed. These high-speed crashes are naturally more likely to lead to serious injuries and deaths. Other possible factors are reduced policing and an increase in the speed of commercial vehicles. There have been previous studies that analyzed the effects of COVID-19 on traffic and the results supported the theory that open roads resulted in a change in driving behavior, with the drivers increasing the vehicle’s speed. INRIX, an analytics company that focused on driving behavior, also released a study that showed that the speed of the average driver increased by 75% on highways when traffic dropped from the lockdowns. They also concluded that these higher driving speeds could lead to more serious crashes.

Further supporting the conclusion that increased speeds are the cause of the increase in serious crashes, transportation officials in New York City reported a 60% increase in the number of speeding tickets from speed cameras in March when compared to the previous year. In Washington D.C., there was a 20% increase in the number of speeding tickets issued, with officials reporting that the number of drivers found going over the limit by more than 20 miles per hour also increased by almost 40%. What we can see from these studies and their conclusions is that speed plays a major factor in the number of serious accidents. Even if the roads look clear, you should be defensive when driving.

COVID 19 Outbreaks in Nursing Homes Linked to Quality Score

As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has altered industries across the nation. One field particularly hard hit has been the nursing home and residential care industry. With hundreds of residents living in close proximity, often people that are highly vulnerable to the virus, alongside their caretakers and center staff, nursing homes across the country have experienced major outbreaks. Many of the residents and their families have suffered as a result. The unfortunate reality is that however difficult it has been for these kinds of facilities to contain the virus, those that made the effort to fulfill their regular duty of care to their residents performed better at controlling the spread of the virus when it hit. A new study from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) showed a correlation between the quality of care in nursing homes and the spread of COVID-19. They found that facilities that had better federal rating scores were less likely to have major outbreaks.

Correlation Between Quality Of Care and Likelihood of an Outbreak

In the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, they announced the findings of their researchers, who discovered a relationship between how good a nursing homes rating by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) was, and the facility’s ability to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during outbreaks. Overall, the higher the nursing was rated, the better they were at protecting their residents. To collect data for the study, researchers used information from the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources to pinpoint all of the area’s coronavirus outbreaks in nursing homes from March through June with outbreaks including any number of cases above one within two weeks. They also used data from CMS’s Nursing Home Compare website, which rates nursing home facilities from one star to five stars based on their health inspections, quality measures, and staff level. From their data, the CDC found that 14 of the 123 nursing homes they looked at suffered COVID-19 outbreaks. Of these nursing homes, the odds of a coronavirus outbreak happening at a facility with a 2 or 3-star rating was 87% lower than a 1-star facility. Whereas facilities with a 4 or 5-star rating were 94% less likely to have a COVID-19 outbreak. This information could be used to find facilities that are likely to suffer coronavirus outbreaks and be proactive in preventing them.

Coronavirus Outbreaks in Nursing Homes

During the course of this COVID-19 pandemic, there’s been much attention given to the spread of the outbreak in nursing homes. Many nursing homes have failed to contain the spread of the virus in their facilities due to understaffing, unpreparedness, and the increased vulnerability of their residents. A summer CMS report showed that nursing homes and long term care centers reported over 216,000 COVID-19 cases and had an additional 129,000 suspected cases. The confirmed cases resulted in 53,196 coronavirus related deaths up until August when the data was collected. As a result of these findings, investigators from federal agencies are looking into the possibility that nursing home neglect is a significant factor in the devastating spread of COVID-19 in nursing homes and similar facilities, rather than as a natural result of the fundamentals of these types of facilities and the residents that live there. They suspect that a failure of nursing to respond correctly, taking the effort, time, and resources to prevent the virus from spreading between residents when infections do occur may be a larger factor. This means that the residents that entrusted their health and safety to these facilities may have been unnecessarily put at risk.

Fisher-Price Rock n’ Play Sleeper Defective Product Lawsuits: Are They Right for You?

The number of Fisher-Price Rock n’ Play Sleeper Defective Product lawsuits are on the rise, and if your family lost a child after using this defective product, contact us at McEldrew Purtell without delay. Our legal team has the experience and resources necessary to successfully fight this corporate subsidiary on behalf of grieving parents. A lawsuit cannot turn back time but it can send a message that a company cannot knowingly sell a product that is harmful to its users. Gross negligence is not acceptable, and taking legal action in the form of lawsuits against the Fisher-Price Rock n’ Play Sleeper defective product is a way to get justice. A substantial settlement from the manufacturer can also ease the financial burden that families may suffer in the wake of losing a loved one. Contact our office today to learn more about how we might be able to assist your family during this difficult time. How do I file defective product lawsuits against Fisher-Price after their Rock n’ Play Sleeper harmed my child? At least 32 infant deaths are linked to the use of Fisher-Price’s Rock n’ Play Sleeper. The primary issue is that the product allows a child who is capable of rolling over while sleeping to asphyxiate. Product liability laws are intended to protect consumers from dangerous products. When a consumer uses a product in the manner as specified by the manufacturer, and if that product causes harm as a result, the manufacturer may be held liable for the consumer’s damages. McEldrew Purtell represents injured victims and surviving family members who lost a loved one in a fatal accident. Call us to schedule a free and confidential case review to learn if you are eligible to file one or more Fisher-Price Rock n’ Play Sleeper defective product lawsuits against the culpable parties. What is involved in filing lawsuits against Fisher-Price for their Rock n’ Play Sleeper defective product? When McEldrew Purtell takes a case representing parents who lost their child due to a defective product, our lawyers will determine who should be held liable. There may be more than one culpable party. After we identify who should be held accountable for our client’s loss, we may do the following:

  • Build a damage claim that includes proof of liability and a detailed accounting of the resulting damages, with an assessed value for each type of damage.
  • Submit the claim to the responsible party or parties.
  • If the settlement offer from the responsible party is too low, our attorneys will enter into negotiations with the company to arrive at a fair amount. If the company refuses to negotiate in good faith, McEldrew Purtell may initiate a lawsuit against them.
  • If the client’s case advances to the courtroom, we will argue the case in front of a jury.

If you are considering filing one or more lawsuits against Fisher-Price for their Rock n’ Play Sleeper defective product, contact us at McEldrew Purtell to learn how we can help you.

When a Slip-And-Fall Leads To Wrongful Death

Slip-and-fall accidents are some of the most common accidents to occur. This is because there are many things that can cause it to happen, including uneven pavement, icy roads, unseen puddles, and upturned rugs. For some, a slip-and-fall accident may result in no injury or non-life threatening injuries, but for others, it may be mean wrongful death. If your loved one recently passed away after they sustained a slip-and-fall injury, you may be wondering if you can pursue a wrongful death lawsuit. Like any lawsuit, there are certain pieces of evidence that you must provide to a court and certain factors that must be present for your case to be successful. What Should You Prove In This Lawsuit? There are similar components you must prove for both the slip-and-fall injury and for bringing forth the wrongful death lawsuit. Just like you would for a personal injury claim after your loved one suffered a slip-and-fall accident, you must show that they were not at fault. For example, if your loved one was walking through a grocery store, tripped over their own feet, fell, and hit their head, they were likely the cause of their injury. If this case, you would not have had substantial evidence to bring forth a personal injury claim had your loved one survived. Thus, you likely would not have enough evidence for a wrongful death lawsuit either. On the other hand, if your loved one slipped on a wet puddle in the middle of the grocery store that had no warning signs, hit their head and later died because of these injuries, you likely have what you need for a lawsuit. Components Of the Wrongful Death Lawsuit You must present certain elements to have a successful wrongful death lawsuit. These are:

  • Your loved one died.
  • Their death was not their own fault but someone else’s negligence caused it.
  • The negligence directly caused your loved one’s death.
  • You or surviving family members are suffering in some way (typically financially) because of their death.

With the above example, the components would be that your loved one slipped and sustained injuries due to the negligence of the store manager or staff, died because of these injuries, and you and other family members are suffering for various reasons because of their death.

What Kind Of Damages Can Someone Claim?

When your loved one was the victim of wrongful death after a slip-and-fall, there are certain damages you can claim. Some of these are:

  • Burial and funeral expenses
  • Medical bills prior to your loved one’s death
  • The loss of the victim’s income
  • The loss of the victim’s benefits
  • The loss of consortium or love
  • The pain and suffering your loved one went through before dying
  • A loss of companionship

Why Slip-And-Fall Accidents Are So Dangerous

Many people walk away from slip-and-fall accidents without a scrape. Others may have mild injuries. Slip-and-fall accidents are particularly dangerous because brain injuries (like concussions or hemorrhages) may not have any signs until it is too late. If your loved one died after a slip-and-fall accident, don’t hesitate any longer in seeking help from a compassionate attorney, like a personal injury lawyer in Melbourne, FL Thanks to our friends and contributors from The Law Offices of Arcadier, Biggie, & Woods for their insight into personal injury and wrongful death.

Know the Signs of Elder Abuse

National data on cases of abuse in America’s 15,600-plus nursing homes and other elder-care programs is hard to come by. But several recent studies by government investigators, advocacy groups and the news media have chilling implications.

According to the National Ombudsman Reporting System (NORS), 14,258 (7.6 percent) of approximately 188,599 complaints reported to state ombudsman programs in 2014 involved abuse, gross neglect or exploitation. Another study of nursing home staff throughout the country found that 36 percent had witnessed at least one incident of physical abuse of an elderly patient in the previous year, 10 percent committed at least one act of physical abuse and 40 percent admitted to committing psychological abuse. It gets worse: A CNN special investigation in February 2017 found that the federal government cited more than 1,000 nursing homes for mishandling or failing to prevent alleged cases of sexual assault and abuse from 2013 to 2016.

Given that 1.4 million aging adults already live in nursing homes and that the number of Americans 65-plus will double between 2010 to 2050, this issue will only become more pressing.

Keep a Watchful Eye

Abuse can encompass a wide range of behaviors, including physical, mental, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse and neglect. Beyond the physical scars left by abuse, neglect and mistreatment have dangerous effects on the quality of life left to an aging person. Elders who have been abused have a higher risk of early death compared to those who have not been mistreated. If your loved ones are in a nursing home or other elder care program, watch for these warning signs:

  • Broken bones or fractures
  • Bruising, cuts or welts
  • Bedsores
  • Frequent infections
  • Signs of dehydration
  • Mood swings and emotional outbursts or unusual depression
  • Reclusiveness or refusal to speak
  • Refusal to eat or take medications
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Poor physical appearance or lack of cleanliness
  • Caregivers that do not want the patient to be left alone with others
  • Sudden changes in financial situation or missing personal items

Protect Your Most Vulnerable Loved Ones

For a family member or caregiver choosing a care facility, the risk of abuse can be overwhelming and traumatic. The best way to prevent elder abuse is to choose the right care facility, which is not always easy given location or financial constraints. Nevertheless, here are factors to consider:

  • Talk to residents or other patients. Observe their physical well-being and behavior. Also visit with residents’ families if possible, and learn whether they have experienced problems with the facility.
  • Avoid facilities that have restricted access.
  • Meet with key personnel (nurses, aides, social workers, administrators and doctors).
  • Read contracts carefully before signing and look for a forced arbitration clause. The rights of your loved one may be denied even if they are abused. Ask that the forced arbitration clause be removed or consider another facility.
  • Visit frequently. Vary your visits to different times of the day and evening to assess the care provided during the day, night, weekends and holidays.
  • Trust your gut. Pay attention to whether residents appear clean, well fed and free of bruises or other wounds. Also note if the environment is peaceful and feels safe.
  • Document in writing the details about any problems or concerns.
  • Compare facilities. Look up state survey reports here.

Neglect and inadequate medical care can risk the health and safety of your loved ones. From the failure to treat serious staph infections or pressure ulcers to the failure to respond to calls for help, negligence at a residential care or skilled nursing facility can end in tragedy for families of elder abuse victims. If you or a family member have suffered from abuse at a short or long term care facility, contact our team of personal injury lawyers at McEldrew Purtell today by calling (215) 545-8800.

The Difference Between Wrongful Death Claims and Survival Actions

Losing a loved one due to someone else’s negligence can really take a toll on the family. Often, they are not only left with grief, but serious financial troubles. After a tragedy such as this, the family has two legal options they can pursue: wrongful death claims and survival actions. Both of these options offer a way to recover damages from the person liable for the victim’s death. It’s important to understand the difference between these options when pursuing action against those responsible.

What is a Wrongful Death Claim?

A wrongful death claim centers around the family of the deceased person and allows close family members to file a civil lawsuit for damages. These damages can include the grief and suffering the family has endured, the current and future income they have lost because of their loved one’s death, funeral expenses, and outstanding medical bills associated with the victim’s injuries.

What is a Survival Action?

A survival action centers around the suffering of the deceased person rather than the grief and financial losses of the family. The survival laws allow the estate to be awarded damages that the deceased incurred from the moment of the injury until the time of death. Survival damages include the deceased’s pain and suffering and lost earnings until his/her death, however, if the deceased died immediately as a result of the accident, then the estate would be entitled to pain and suffering (if pain and suffering can be proven) but would not be entitled damages for the deceased’s lost earnings. The compensation is then dispersed through the deceased person’s estate rather than distributed directly to surviving family members.

Who can file a Wrongful Death Claim or Survival Action?

In a wrongful death claim, the personal representative of the estate will file the lawsuit, which is usually the deceased victim’s closest surviving relative (spouse, child, or parent). Typically, the deceased’s family will agree on who should be the personal representative, however, if the deceased left no will or if the family members don’t get along, the surviving family members may not agree over who will be the personal representative. In this case, the dispute can only be resolved by the courts.

Typically, a survival action is brought forth by the executor of the decedent’s estate. In some cases, the grandparents or siblings of the deceased person may be eligible to pursue either type of legal action.

Who can be held responsible?

In a wrongful death case or survival action, the plaintiffs must prove that the death was caused by careless, negligent, or reckless action by someone who had a duty of care to the person who died. Duty of care is a legal concept that means an individual has an obligation to exercise reasonable care while performing actions that could cause harm to someone else. For example, all nursing home staff have a fundamental duty to care for residents of the facility, so a death caused by a neglectful or abusive nursing staff could be considered a wrongful death and could provide grounds for a wrongful death claim or survival action.

Other examples of people who could be held liable for a wrongful death include:

Determining who is liable for someone’s death and filing a wrongful death claim or survival action can be very complex. It’s important to contact one of our lawyers immediately if someone you love has died due to another person’s negligent actions.

Filing a Suit Against a PA Government Agency Over a Car Crash Just Got Easier

Over the past five years in Pennsylvania, if a vehicle owned and operated by a municipal entity in the Commonwealth (such as SEPTA or the local water authority) was involved in a collision while the vehicle wasn’t in motion, the Commonwealth or entity was not liable for paying any damages.

This means if a car owned by a municipal entity was parked illegally on the road or positioned vulnerably in the roadway, and you hit it, you would not be able to bring a suit against that person or authority even if the primary reason for the crash was the way the vehicle was parked.

These suits were banned by Pennsylvania’s Sovereign Immunity Act. The Act only allows the Commonwealth itself to be sued for damages in specific limited cases and only for a limited amount of damages. In a vehicle accident involving a Commonwealth vehicle, prior court rulings determined that if a vehicle owned by a state entity was not moving (parked or stopped) then the state or its entity is immune from suit.

Huge Win for Injured Vehicle Crash Victims

The law has finally changed due to a decision made by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on August 21st. The PA Supreme Court ruled that a public vehicle does not have to be in motion for a government entity to be liable if someone is hurt or killed by it. The new PA Supreme Court ruling reverses prior decisions that ignored the health and safety of individuals in favor of government, insurance companies, and big business.

Why was the Prior Ruling Changed?

The case that led to the reversal was BALENTINE v. CHESTER WATER AUTHORITY. Edwin Omar Medina-Flores was a subcontractor for a water line project for the Chester Water Authority (CWA). On August 15, 2012, Medina-Flores was working in a ditch for the CWA when a CWA project inspector arrived in a CWA truck, parked next to the ditch, and left the vehicle’s engine running and four-way flashers operating. While the inspector was out of the truck reviewing construction plans with his work crew, another vehicle rear-ended the CWA truck, which then struck and killed Medina-Flores.

Witnesses said the CWA truck was illegally parked almost completely within the traffic lane near the ditch where Medina-Flores was working.

The victim’s widow filed a lawsuit against the CWA, the CWA inspector, and both the driver and owner of the vehicle that crashed into the truck. The lower courts ruled that because the CWA truck was “parked” with its four-way flashers on, the state was immune from suit under the Pennsylvania Sovereign Immunity Act.

The issue before the Supreme Court was “whether the Commonwealth Court erred in holding that the involuntary movement of a vehicle does not constitute operation of a motor vehicle for purposes of the vehicle liability exception to governmental immunity under 42 Pa. C.S. § 8542(b)(1).” The court ruled that, “because we determine that movement of a vehicle, whether voluntary or involuntary, is not required by the statutory language of the vehicle liability exception, we reverse the order of the Commonwealth Court thereby allowing this matter to proceed in the trial court.”

McEldrew Purtell regularly litigates cases like this every day. Our team is ready to assist you if you or a loved one is ever seriously injured in any kind of vehicle incident anywhere in the United States. Contact our team of lawyers at McEldrew Purtell today by calling 215-367-5151.

5 Steps to Take if Your Child was in a School Bus Accident

As parents, we like to think sending our children to school on the bus is safe. In reality, school bus accidents occur every year, often resulting in catastrophic injuries and wrongful death. In these moments it is difficult to think about involving a lawyer, however the sooner you engage a qualified lawyer, the sooner your child and family’s legal interests are protected and you can focus solely on your child and families well-being.

If your child is injured or if you have lost a family member in a school bus accident, there are steps you should take to help ensure your family’s legal rights are protected and in the event your child is injured, that they receive the best medical treatment available.

  1. Engage the best medical specialists possible, including those specializing in the grieving process. Attorneys who are qualified to handle these types of case have spent decades assisting families through this process. At McEldrew Purtell, we consider this level of assistance to be one of our prime responsibilities and will not stop until you and your loved ones have the best care that they require.
  2. Preserve any information you have about the accident. As a parent of a child involved in a bus accident, you will most likely receive information from the school (facts about the accident and what steps to take). Keep a file of this information in a safe place for future reference.
  3. Talk to other parents whose children were involved in the accident. From a legal perspective, these cases often come down to “accident recreation” in order to identify all of the responsible parties. Start by identifying anyone who witnessed the accident and engage other parents in discussion – every detail matters. Eyewitnesses often have relevant information that no one else has, and it is best to document as much as possible while it is still fresh in the witnesses mind.
  4. Monitor and document your child’s healing process. Document any specific ways the bus accident has affected your child; both physically and mentally. Some common things to watch out for are: insomnia, nightmares, feelings of depression and/or anxiety. Document the issues you notice and take pictures of your child’s injuries during the healing process.
  5. Contact a qualified catastrophic injury and wrongful death lawyer. McEldrew Purtell specializes in representing families who have been effected by tragic events such as the East Brook Middle School bus crash. We do not handle a large volume of claims, we do however have decades of experience handling serious medical injuries and wrongful death. We treat every client as if they were our only client, and our knowledge, experience and expertise will make a difference for you and your family. If you would like us to provide a free consultation regarding your potential legal case, please contact us at (215) 545-8800.

Study Confirms Breast Implants Increase Rare Cancer Risk

The largest study of the link between breast implants and lymphoma to date found that there is a greatly increased risk of a rare cancer, according to the report published this month in JAMA Oncology. The study found breast implants are associated with a 421 times greater risk of anaplastic large cell lymphoma.

This scientific evidence linking breast implants to ALCL could spark another wave of class action lawsuits by women seeking compensation for their injuries. In the 1990s, women claiming injuries from silicone breast implants agreed to a $3.7 billion settlement with several companies.

BIA-ALCL, the acronym for it, is a cancer of the immune system rather than a form of breast cancer. The absolute risk of this type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in a woman with breast implants is estimated to be 1 in 7,000. For every 7,000 women with breast implants, one will get BIA-ALCL. An article in JAMA Surgery last fall previously put the affected range from 1 in 4,000 women to 1 in 30,000 women with breast implants.

According to an FDA announcement last year, the agency received more than 350 reports of the cancer linked to breast implants between June 2010 to February 2017. The precise cause of the increased risk is not yet known. However, the study found the majority of the cases of BIA-ALCL had textured implants rather than smooth surface ones. A review of 115 scientific articles last year focusing on BIA-ALCL found 93 cases of the cancer in the medical literature.

Textured implants gained in popularity in the 1990s. The average time to diagnosis of BIA-ALCL is about 10 years after getting the breast implants. Researchers expect that the number of BIA-ALCL cases diagnosed will increase because the rates of women getting breast implants are increasing every year.

If you or a loved one have had a diagnosis of ALCL following breast implants (whether textured or smooth surface), call McEldrew Purtell’s attorneys at (215) 545-8800 to speak to a personal injury attorney in a free consultation.

Jim McEldrew’s Annual Railroad Worker Holiday Party

Jim McEldrew has scheduled his annual holiday party for Philadelphia’s railroad workers. This year, it will be Friday, December 8, 2017 starting at 6:30 PM at Chez Colette (located inside the Sofitel Hotel). Chez Colette is located at 120 S. 17th St. in Center City, Philadelphia.

We look forward to another great turnout of SEPTA workers and others in the railroad industry. Although we are sad that it could not be held at Pennsylvania 6 again (since they closed), we are looking forward to celebrating the holiday season at a new venue with old and new friends.

Past and present clients are, of course, welcome and should be receiving the below postcard invitation in the mail. If we don’t have your address but you work for a railroad in the area, you are also free to join us – just make sure that you are RSVP so that we know you are coming.

In order to let the restaurant know how many people to expect, please RSVP by Tuesday, November 28, 2017 to Jessica Dinsdorf at McEldrew Purtell. She can be reached at (215) 545-8800 (ask for Jessica) or email to .

The details from the invite are below. We look forward to seeing you in early December!