How To Choose the Right Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

A traumatic brain injury is catastrophic for you and your entire family. You are likely dealing with severe pain and major changes to your life following an accident. You could have serious symptoms such as memory loss, blurred vision, skull fractures, and even loss of cognitive abilities. Whatever you have been through, a brain injury lawyer knows how to investigate and pursue your case the right way.

How do you choose the right traumatic brain injury attorney for you? By looking at the right information, you can make an informed and intelligent choice about who will represent you. 

What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury results from significant force to the head or body that causes damage to the brain. Severe impact, such as in a car accident, can cause the brain to slam against the skull, causing severe harm. Objects may also penetrate or crack the skull and damage the brain as well.

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can result in serious symptoms, such as:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Skull fractures
  • Memory loss
  • Blood clots
  • Slurred speech
  • Mental illness and cognition loss
  • Wrongful death

When To Seek Legal Assistance for Traumatic Brain Injury Cases

You should speak to a brain injury firm immediately after your accident. Brain injuries are severe, and you could be owed significant compensation for your medical bills, costs, suffering, and more. The sooner you speak with qualified TBI lawyers the sooner they can investigate and pursue your claim. They can preserve critical evidence and file your claim within the appropriate statute of limitations.

You should speak to an attorney about a potential personal injury claim anytime you were hurt by another person’s wrongdoing. You do not have to be sure about everything in your claim. Qualified TBI attorneys offer initial consultations to help you discuss your accident and the best path for moving forward.

Selecting the Right Traumatic Head Injury Attorney

Choosing the right attorney can seem like a daunting task at first. By following these tips, you can pick the right traumatic brain injury attorney for you.

Look for an Attorney With Experience in Traumatic Brain Injury Cases

You need an attorney who is well-versed in traumatic brain injury with acquired brain injury cases. These lawsuits require technical and medical knowledge that many lawyers do not have. These claims require expert testimony in many cases and specialized knowledge by your legal team.

Look for a firm’s website that discusses these claims in detail and shows knowledge about the subject. Schedule a consultation with a lawyer and see their experience with traumatic brain injury cases.

Research the Lawyer’s Track Record and Success Rate

Ensure your attorney and the firm have experience with TBI cases and a track record of success with their clients. Ideally, you want a firm that has won real client compensation. Also, consider if they have gone up against powerful insurance companies, hospitals, truck companies, and other powerful defendants and have still been successful.

Ensure the Attorney’s Access to a Strong Network of Medical Experts

Most traumatic brain injury claims require medical experts to testify in the case. Your brain injury lawyers should have these medical experts ready to go to help prove your claim. A medical professional can testify to facts and diagnoses other lay witnesses cannot, such as describing a closed head injury or the cause of the TBI.

Inexperienced lawyers are often unprepared for the medical expert requirements of a TBI personal injury claim. Ensure your brain injury law firm has the resources necessary to prove your claim appropriately.

Research the Attorney’s Reputation and Read Testimonies from Past Clients

You want an attorney with a good reputation. A personal injury attorney should be well-liked, responsible, and compassionate when working with clients. They should also be strong and aggressive when dealing with defendants.

Read testimonies from past clients to get an idea about what to expect. Past clients often have the best insights into what you can expect. 

Seek Personal Attention and Good Communication With Your Attorney

You want a brain injury lawyer that cares about you and not just about your case. Look for a lawyer who gives you the care and attention you deserve. A quality lawyer will communicate well, respond to questions, and promptly get back to you with answers to your questions.

You should always feel heard and that your lawyer cares about what you are going through. The right lawyer can help guide you through your medical care, the litigation process, and navigating your life following a traumatic brain injury.

Take Advantage of Initial Consultations

A skilled TBI lawyer will offer a free consultation to help you get started. An initial consultation lets you tell your story and learn what compensation you may be owed. Look for a free consultation so that you know you will not be charged simply for a first conversation. 

At the consultation, tell your story in full. Be detailed and answer any questions your potential attorney has for you. This is where the investigation and litigation may start, so take advantage of this first step to protect your interests best.

Ensure You Understand the Attorney’s Fee Structure

Ensure you know what the attorney will charge for their services. Some attorneys require upfront payment and reimbursement for costs in addition to their hourly rate. This may or may not work for you, so you should explore other options.

Many personal injury attorneys take cases on a contingency fee basis. A contingency fee occurs when the lawyer only charges if they are successful in your case. This is an agreement between the client and the attorney to collect a certain percentage of the winnings as compensation. This can be very helpful for TBI injury victims, as they pay nothing upfront and only pay if the lawyer is successful. This helps you seek the compensation you deserve but without the risk. 

Contact Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers Advocating for Brain Injury Victims and Families

Traumatic brain injuries can occur from car accidents, workplace accidents, and much more. At McEldrew Purtell, our personal injury lawyers have represented countless clients who won compensation for their TBI personal injury claims. We want to help you recuperate from your injuries and recover the monetary damages you deserve. Our brain injury firm offers a compassionate and dedicated approach to your case.

Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation. We look forward to speaking with you.

Legal Considerations for Families Affected by Birth Brachial Plexus Injury

Your child’s birth was supposed to be one of the most joyous days of your life. Instead, a brachial plexus injury can leave your child hurt, and your life changed forever. The brachial plexus is a complicated network of nerves between the shoulders and neck. These nerves control muscle function and movement in the arms, chest, shoulders, and hands. Birth injury brachial plexus often leads to severe damage to your child, possibly requiring years of medical treatment and even permanent injury.

Medical malpractice is commonly the reason for a brachial plexus birth injury. When this is the case, you could be entitled to significant financial compensation for your and your child’s injuries. At McEldrew Purtell, our highly experienced birth injury attorneys know what you are going through. We offer a compassionate but aggressive approach to protecting your rights and winning the compensation you deserve.

What Is a Brachial Plexus Injury?

The brachial plexus is a critical area of your child’s body between their neck and shoulders. It is a network of nerves that connect the spine to the upper limbs and extremities, such as the arms and hands. Injuries to the brachial plexus nerves can cause lifelong damage, making it difficult for the injured child to move their upper body. 

Common causes of a brachial plexus injury during birth include:

  • Traveling through a small birth canal
  • Damage to nerve roots 
  • Forcep or other delivery tool injury
  • Shoulder dystocia, causing the neck and shoulder to stretch
  • A nerve that is torn or ruptured during labor
  • A delay in ordering a C-section

Physical, Emotional, and Financial Consequences

The consequences of a brachial plexus injury from birth can be devastating across multiple areas of your and your child’s life. Your child will likely suffer physical symptoms and limitations. These often include reduced range of motion, loss of control of the upper body, and other brachial plexus injury birth trauma. This may even include neonatal brachial plexus palsy, a serious potential consequence of this injury. 

Emotional consequences will also occur for both you and your child. You must watch your child experience pain and deal with the many limitations this places on them in later life.

The financial consequences are also severe. A brachial plexus injury at birth will require long-term treatment. This may include the need for:

  • A physical examination of your child
  • Muscle transfers
  • Nerve grafts
  • Nerve transfers of a healthy nerve to affected areas
  • Nerve surgeries
  • Ongoing care for low birth weight
  • Treatment for some other severe injury

Legal Considerations of Birth Brachial Plexus Injury

A brachial plexus injury will have many consequences on your life, but it is also important to understand the legal considerations behind a potential medical malpractice case.

Brachial Plexus Birth Injury as a Result of Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor or other medical professional breaches the applicable standard of care. This standard of care is what a medical professional in that situation, with their training and experience, would do in a given situation. Brachial plexus birth injuries are often the result of careless acts by medical staff, improper training, and more.

A brachial plexus birth injury lawsuit is likely appropriate in these situations. The doctor’s mistakes can cause severe financial, emotional, and physical harm to your child. As a result, you could be entitled to significant financial compensation from a successful lawsuit.

Importance of Timely Legal Action in Brachial Plexus Birth Palsy Cases

Time limits called statutes of limitations apply to medical malpractice claims, including those for brachial plexus injuries. The statute of limitations sets a particular time frame for filing your complaint before it could be lost. If you fail to file in time, your case will very likely be dismissed by the trial court.

Pennsylvania has a two-year statute of limitations on medical malpractice claims, according to 42 PA.C.S. § 5524(2). Certain exceptions apply to this time limit that may make it last longer, but it is always best to file your claim soon after the injury to preserve your legal rights and the evidence you need to prove your case.

Medical Witnesses for Building a Strong Case for an Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injury

A strong brachial plexus injury case uses medical witnesses and experts to prove who caused the birth injury. Medical witnesses in these cases testify about the medical cause behind the injury, the effects of the symptoms, and the physical toll it will take on your child. These medical witnesses often include:

  • The doctor or medical staff that caused your child’s injuries
  • Medical experts who investigated the brachial plexus injury
  • Experts in the field who can testify about the effects of this injury

Legal Support During Long-Term Physical Therapy and Surgical Treatment

Brachial plexus injuries usually require much physical therapy and other treatment. This may even include surgical treatment on nerves, limbs, and other areas to achieve a complete recovery. However, most children deal with some type of complication from their birth injury for the rest of their lives.

You need legal support from experienced brachial plexus injury attorneys during this time. Our office understands what you are going through and how to help support you while your case is ongoing. Your child deserves medical treatment immediately, and treatment should not have to wait until after your lawsuit is finished.

Fair Compensation and Accountability for a Birth-Related Brachial Plexus Palsy

A medical malpractice lawsuit can help hold a negligent doctor responsible for what they did to you and your child. This accountability helps you and your child. It also helps to prevent future errors that may affect other families. 

A successful brachial plexus birth injury lawsuit may win you compensation such as:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Costs of physical therapy and ongoing treatment
  • Costs of disability accommodations for your child
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Wrongful death damages

Partner With a Medical Malpractice Attorney To Secure a Brighter Future for Your Family

The Philadelphia medical malpractice attorneys at McEldrew Purtell stand ready to help you. We know how to fight for your family and seek the compensation you deserve. Our lawyers know what you are going through and how to give you peace of mind and a better future. Let our firm investigate and pursue your birth injury case and seek the compensation you deserve.

Contact us today for a free consultation of your case. We want to help you and your child recover from this ordeal.

10 Steps To Take After a Semi-Truck Accident Injury

Have you ever been in a serious accident with a semi-truck or tractor-trailer? These accidents can cause catastrophic injuries with long recoveries and incur high costs. High medical costs, severe pain, and emotional trauma are common consequences of a semi-truck or tractor-trailer accident. If you have been in such an accident, you may be unsure how to move forward. You may be asking: “What do I do after a semi-truck accident injury?”

At McEldrew Purtell, we know how to handle your semi-truck accident case. We’ll prepare you for what to do next and what steps to take following your injuries. Follow these 10 steps after getting hit by a semi-truck to protect your health and legal rights.

10 Important Steps Following an Injury from a Semi-Truck Accident

Follow these 10 critical steps to protect your case and yourself.

1. Call Emergency Services or Seek Medical Attention Immediately

If you are in a car and you get into an accident with a semi-truck or tractor-trailer, immediately call 911. Truck crashes are incredibly serious and can result in anything from minor to fatal injuries. Call 911 if you or anyone else was hurt or if you are even unsure if someone is hurt in the truck crash, semi-truck crash, or tractor-trailer crash.

After the accident, seek medical attention. Even if your injuries did not require an immediate trip to the hospital, follow up with your physician as soon as you can. While you might not feel any pain right away, some injuries only become apparent days or weeks after the fact. Medical attention is important to protecting your health and to preserving evidence in your personal injury case.

2. Obtain a Police Report for Severe Accident or Property Damage Incidents

After a car and semi-truck accident, the police will need to create a report. This report will include key details about what happened, who was at fault, and whether any traffic citations were issued. 

These reports may contain information critical to your lawsuit, such as the truck driver’s violations of law or trucking regulations. You can request the report yourself or a truck accident lawyer can do it on your behalf.

3. Get Testimonies from Witnesses Present at the Accident

If your injuries are minor enough that you are able to do so, gather contact information from anyone that was on the scene of the accident, including the semi-truck driver, anyone else who was injured, and anyone who witnessed the incident. Make sure you also obtain the name of the trucking company.

Ideally, get statements from these individuals or encourage them to speak with law enforcement to give a statement. This information can be very helpful in a later semi-truck accident claim.

4. Collect Relevant Information from the Accident Scene

If you are not incapacitated by the crash, collect any evidence that might be relevant from the truck accident scene. This could include evidence such as, but not limited to:

  • Pictures of your injuries
  • Pictures of property damage
  • Contact information from witnesses or at-fault truck drivers
  • Videos of the scene
  • Copies of the police report 
  • Insurance information for anyone involved in the accident

5. Preserve Any Truck Accident Evidence

Be sure to preserve any evidence that you collect. Save all digital files and back them up in a second location. Keep all documents related to the case, including the police report and your own notes.

As a rule of thumb, if you are unsure of whether or not to keep a document, keep it. Your semi-truck accident lawyer will determine the importance of the evidence you kept. You are better off giving your lawyer more documentation than necessary rather than risking leaving something out.

6. Report the Accident To Your Insurance Company

Truck crashes should always be reported to your insurance company. Your insurance needs to know what happened and be ready to provide you coverage if you are eligible. Failure to notify your insurance company may create problems down the road, so always keep your company informed about the accident and new information that develops over time.

Reporting the accident also helps your insurance company and truck accident lawyer fight for your rights. The trucking industry often tries to avoid liability even when their truck driver is clearly at fault. Your lawyer and insurance company are very experienced in fighting for the compensation you deserve.

7. Consult a Truck Accident Attorney Promptly for Legal Advice

Speak to a qualified truck accident lawyer right away after an accident. Truck accident injuries can be costly, painful, and emotionally devastating. Your attorney can help you deal with this and fight for compensation from the negligent party. With the help of a truck accident attorney, you may win compensation such as:

  • Past and future medical costs
  • Property damages
  • Costs of rehabilitation services
  • Insurance reimbursement
  • Lost income and earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of companionship and support
  • Wrongful death damages

You should also speak to an attorney quickly after the accident. Time limits on filing personal injury cases may differ depending on your circumstances. Filing late could mean you lose the opportunity to win compensation. Do not delay your consultation.

8. Keep a Record of Your Injuries, Treatments, and Symptoms

Keep all medical records pertaining to your accident, including medical bills, lists of procedures, and treatments your doctor has performed. Record all of the symptoms you have suffered following the accident. These symptoms can be physical and emotional, as both your physical and psychological harm may be compensable in a truck accident lawsuit.

9. Journal Your Experiences to Document the Impact of the Accident on Your Life

Keep a journal of everything you are going through. Contemporaneous notes help show what you have been through as you feel it. This information can be incredibly helpful in proving the extent of your damages. It may also significantly increase your chances of winning compensation in a personal injury claim.

10. Avoid Discussing the Accident With Anyone Other Than Your Attorney or Healthcare Professionals

As much as possible, limit discussions of your truck accident to your lawyer and your healthcare team. These individuals grant you some level of confidentiality or privilege so that your statements cannot be used against you later.

Discussions you have with others are likely not protected from disclosure. Avoid speaking with people about the accident, posting things on social media, or speaking in public about the accident. Especially avoid speaking with the party’s insurance company unless your lawyer accompanies you.

Seek an Experienced and Compassionate Truck Accident Attorney

Truck accident claims can be complicated and difficult for you to face alone. Trucking companies will fight back with powerful legal teams to try and deny you the compensation you are rightly owed. At McEldrew Purtell, our experienced truck accident lawyers know how to fight back. We take a compassionate approach to your case while aggressively representing you against negligent drivers and companies.

Contact us today to learn more about your truck accident case. We are ready to help.

Causes and Types of Common Birth Injuries to Mothers

Having a baby can be an amazing experience. Still, many expectant mothers have mixed feelings as their delivery date approaches. This is because childbirth includes certain risks. Even with improved health care, some women still experience birth injuries, which can be from natural causes or the negligence of health care providers.

Generally, birth injuries to mothers can be psychological or physical. Some mothers suffer physical injuries like vaginal tears, ruptured uterus, and postpartum hemorrhage. Others may experience psychological issues like postpartum depression and PTSD.

Common Types of Birth Injuries to Mothers

With the different types of delivery available to expecting mothers, you need to understand the risk associated with each birth type and the chances of birth injuries.

Here are some types of birth injuries women may experience:

Physical Injuries

Some common physical birth injuries include:

Vaginal Tears: Women who opt for vaginal delivery may experience vaginal tears. However, it’s most common in first-time mothers. A vaginal tear occurs when the vaginal walls fail to stretch appropriately to accommodate the baby’s head or when the baby’s head is too large. Also, some vaginal tears are more complicated than others. While some only affect the skin around the vagina, some affect the tissues and muscles. Hence, simple and less complex tears can heal within a few weeks, but most major tears may require surgery. You can ask your doctor for tips on how to avoid tearing during childbirth.

Ruptured Uterus: This is a rare birth injury, but it can seriously affect the mother and baby. A ruptured uterus will cause the baby and the placenta to shift into the mother’s abdomen during labor. Women with a history of uterine surgery or C-section are more prone to experience a ruptured uterus. This is because the scar on their uterus can weaken and rupture.

Postpartum Hemorrhage: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is excessive and uncontrollable bleeding after childbirth. Most PPH happens when the uterus does not contract strongly enough after delivery and after the body expels the placenta.

Psychological Injuries

Women can experience psychological injuries like postpartum depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a difficult delivery. These two conditions have some similarities but are distinct.

Postpartum Depression: Some women suffer postpartum depression after giving birth. It’s a kind of depression that causes emotions like persistent sadness, emptiness, or frequent crying. Hormonal or physical changes, emotional adjustments, and other factors can lead to postpartum depression.

If you experience symptoms like thoughts of harming yourself or committing suicide, anxiety, depression, or guilt after childbirth, you may have postpartum depression. You need to seek medical care from medical professionals, as this condition can affect your well-being and that of your child.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): This is also referred to as postpartum PTSD or birth trauma, and it affects people who have witnessed or experienced traumatic events. You may suffer post-traumatic stress disorder after a traumatic birth process.

Some events that can trigger postpartum PTSD are high pain levels during delivery, prolonged or difficult labor, emergency cesarean section, and severe complications during childbirth.

Long-term Health Implications of Birth Injuries to Mothers

Some birth injuries are unavoidable, while others result from health practitioners’ negligence during labor. Fortunately, victims of such medical malpractice and mismanagement can seek help from birth injury lawyers.

Birth injuries to mothers may have long-term implications. A birth injury can affect your mental health, personal relationships, and quality of life. It can also lead to other long-term issues, such as fecal and urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, chronic pain, and an increased risk of injury in future pregnancy and delivery.

Common Causes of Birth Injuries to Mothers

Several factors can cause birth injuries to mothers, such as:

Medical Mismanagement During Labor and Delivery

One of the causes of birth injury is mismanagement on the part of healthcare professionals. Sometimes, doctors make mistakes during labor and delivery, which can lead to birth injuries to the mother, including:

  • Failure to spot and manage fetal distress: If signs of fetal distress, like abnormal heart rate patterns, are not identified and addressed immediately, it can adversely affect the mother and child.
  • Inappropriate use of labor-inducing medications: Administering the wrong doses of drugs to induce or boost labor can result in complications, like uterine rupture and excessive bleeding.
  • Improper use of delivery instruments: Using delivery instruments like forceps or vacuum extraction wrongly during delivery can cause birth injuries to the mother. They can lead to lacerations or damage to pelvic floor muscles.
  • Delay in performing a cesarean section (C-section): If a doctor fails to perform a C-section when they should, it can affect the mother and the baby.

Negligence in Prenatal Care

Prenatal care refers to regular check-ups and monitoring during pregnancy to spot and address potential risks. In some cases, poor prenatal care can also contribute to birth injuries in mothers.

Some examples of negligence in prenatal care include:

  • Failing to identify and manage pre-existing medical conditions that increase the risk of complications during delivery.
  • Failing to identify and treat maternal infections, like group B streptococcus or urinary tract infections.
  • Ineffective monitoring of fetal growth and development may result in failure to plan for a high-risk delivery.

Defective Drugs and Medical Devices

The use of defective drugs and medical devices during pregnancy, labor, or delivery can trigger birth injuries. Prescribing drugs with unknown risks and negative side effects can also stimulate adverse reactions in the mother.

Additionally, using defective drugs and medical devices during delivery can cause injuries like vaginal tears to the mother.

Legal Rights and Recourse for Birth Injuries to Mothers

If you’ve experienced a birth injury because of medical negligence, mismanagement, or defective medications, you may have the legal right to seek compensation for the damages you’ve suffered. A birth injury lawyer can help assess the situation and provide guidance on the appropriate course of action.

You can speak with our experienced and compassionate birth injury attorney at McEldrew Purtell to discover how we can help you get justice and the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.

The Ins and Outs of Dram Shop Law

Dram shops laws apply to bars, restaurants, and anywhere else where alcohol is served. These laws hold responsible sellers of alcohol who overserve customers when those customers cause an injury due to their intoxication. These often arise from personal injury or wrongful death cases, such as in car accidents from drunk drivers. However, any alcohol-related behavior that causes damage could be subject to a dram shop law.

At McEldrew Purtell, we understand how dram shop laws can affect your rights. Whether you are a business defending a claim or an injured person in need of representation, we are here to help.

Definition and Purpose of Dram Shop Law

A dram shop law holds businesses liable for the actions of other individuals who become intoxicated at the business establishment. The phrase “dram” shop harkens back to over a century ago when bars sold alcohol by the “dram.” The dram was a small serving of alcohol that was usually less than a typical shot of alcohol today. 

What is the Dram Shop Law?

Dram shop laws are state laws that govern the actions of businesses to help prevent overserving alcohol and causing accidents related to that intoxication, such as drunk driving accidents. Alcohol vendors are expected to refuse to serve an intoxicated individual, not sell alcohol to minors, and be responsible for their actions when determining when to sell alcohol to a person.

What is an Example of a Dram Shop Law?

One example is the Pennsylvania dram shop law. Under that law, any establishment that gives alcohol to an intoxicated person may be legally and financially liable for injuries or damages that the intoxicated person causes. This includes restaurants and bars as well as private parties.

Under Pennsylvania law, an establishment holding a liquor license may be liable under the Liquor Code and general civil liability principles. This could result in a bar’s loss of its liquor license and significant financial penalties.

The Application of Dram Shop Law

Dram shop laws allow injured victims to file a civil lawsuit against an establishment or individual who serves an intoxicated person who later causes an accident. Applying the dram shop liability law will often depend on the case’s individual circumstances and specific state law.

Establishments Liable and Situations Affected

Who is liable under dram shop law? Several establishments or private parties may be. Liability usually occurs because the establishment or private party serves a visibly intoxicated person or alcohol to a minor. A person may be visibly intoxicated if they are:

  • Unable to sit or stand without swaying
  • Having slurred speech or difficulty speaking intelligently
  • Have bloodshot eyes
  • Make statements about being “drunk” or intoxicated
  • Are unable to walk in a straight line
  • Fall over or stumble

A person who seems completely sober is not visibly intoxicated. However, a bar or server cannot ignore the signs of intoxication to claim they did not know the individual was drunk.

A social host may also be liable under dram shop laws, depending on the applicable state law. A social host is a private individual hosting an event or party that serves alcohol. Social host liability occurs when that host overserves a visibly intoxicated person or serves a minor that later causes injuries to others due to that intoxication.

Proving Legal Liability in Dram Shop Liability Laws

To establish legal liability under a dram shop law, you must prove that:

  1. The establishment or server gave alcohol to a visibly intoxicated person or a minor
  2. Serving the alcohol to the intoxicated person proximately caused the other person’s damages

Proving legal liability in these cases can be complicated without the assistance of a personal injury lawyer familiar with your state’s laws. Each state is different in what it requires for proof and which parties may be liable under a dram shop case.

Evidence commonly used to prove most dram shop cases includes:

  • Proof that the server or bartender could visibly see signs of intoxication
  • That the bar failed to card or check identification to avoid serving minors
  • That the intoxicated person caused personal injuries to someone else
  • That an intoxicated driver caused a drunk driving accident 
  • Videos of the intoxicated person while at the establishment
  • Blood alcohol readings of the individual after the accident
  • Proof as to how many drinks were served to the intoxicated person

This evidence and more may help prove that the server or establishment violated the dram shop law. A knowledgeable dram shop attorney best handles collecting and presenting this evidence correctly.

Potential Compensatory Damages in Dram Shop Liability Cases

You could be owed significant compensation from that accident when you are injured because of an intoxicated person. Financial compensation from a dram shop liability case may include:

  • Past and future medical costs
  • Cost of rehabilitation services
  • Costs to accommodate a new disability caused by the accident
  • Lost income and lost earning capacity
  • Property damages from the accident
  • Pain and suffering compensation
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Wrongful death damages

Establishments and private individuals should be responsible when they serve alcoholic beverages. Their irresponsibility may mean they owe you compensation in a personal injury case.

Legal Representation in Dram Shop Law Cases

Dram shop law is complicated. The right personal injury lawyer can educate you about dram shop liability law and analyze your case to determine what compensation you may be owed. 

At McEldrew Purtell, our highly experienced dram shop law personal injury attorneys know how to pursue the monetary damages you deserve. We know how to investigate your case and seek to prove the establishment was responsible for the intoxicated person’s actions. Our lawyers know the challenges these cases present and how to overcome these obstacles to fight for your rights.

If you were injured because of an intoxicated person who was overserved, you might have a dram shop liability case. Let us help you with a free consultation of your case. Contact us today to learn more and get the help you deserve.

How Often Do Surgical Errors in the Operating Room Occur?

Every year, thousands of Americans who go through surgical procedures suffer from surgical errors in the operating room. And for many of them, the outcome can be devastating and life-altering. Some may end up with complications they didn’t have before the surgery, some may come out with a lifelong disability that will reduce the quality of their lives, and some may even lose their lives. 

If you suspect that you or a loved one has suffered from surgical errors, you need to understand what amounts to surgical errors and how a medical malpractice attorney can help you recover compensation for your injuries. 

Surgical Errors Statistics: How Common Are Surgical Errors?

Medical errors are a serious public health problem and are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Among the different types of medical errors, surgical errors have severe consequences. 

Here are some statistics on surgical errors in the United States:

Different Types of Surgical Errors

Surgical errors occur in several forms. Below are the most common types of surgical errors:

Retained Foreign Bodies

Cases of retained surgical bodies (RSB) happen when health professionals forget any object inside the patient after a procedure. The consequence of leaving foreign bodies after surgery may manifest in different forms. The victim may feel the effect immediately after the operation, or it may take months or even years after the surgical procedure before the patient feels any pain or discomfort. 

In such cases, the patient would require another surgical procedure to remove the object. Retained foreign bodies happen 1,500 times out of the 28 million surgical procedures performed nationwide. Sponges are one of the most common objects health providers forget in the body after surgery, and they are mostly forgotten in the abdomen, pelvis, and retroperitoneal space. 

Lack of Proper Monitoring  

Surgical errors can also happen because medical professionals fail to monitor a patient during a surgical procedure. This can result in complications that can lead to life-threatening situations. It can happen when the nurse or anesthesiologist is reckless or absent-minded and fails to properly monitor the patient’s vital signs to signal the doctor when there’s a rapid rise or fall in values. 

Wrong-Site, Wrong-Procedure, Wrong-Patient Errors (WSPEs) 

Sometimes, a patient may undergo surgery on the wrong body part, have the wrong procedure, or go through a procedure intended for another patient. These “wrong-site, wrong-procedure, wrong-patient errors” are called never events — errors that should never occur and may be a sign of serious underlying safety problems. They often happen because of communication errors or misdiagnoses of a patient’s illness. 

Here are some instances of WSPE:

  • Wrong side: A patient had the right side of her vulva removed instead of the left side, which had a cancerous lesion. Operating on the wrong level of the spine is a common mistake neurosurgeons make.
  • Wrong patient: A patient underwent a cardiac procedure meant for another patient with a similar last name.

The Impact of Surgical Errors on Patient Safety

Patient safety has become increasingly important in recent decades, and it’s now an essential facet of providing quality health care. Complications because of a surgeon’s errors and system failures are inherent in surgical practice and are preventable causes of morbidity and mortality. Surgical errors cause severe injuries to patients, resulting in different surgical complications, including:

  • Brain damage
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Temporary or permanent disability
  • Paralysis and nerve damage
  • Death

The Prevalence of Surgical Mistakes

Surgical malpractice is a lot more common than people think. Every year, thousands of Americans suffer from preventable surgical errors that would never occur if health practitioners were not negligent or reckless. 

The Legal Aspect of Surgical Errors

Surgical errors may amount to medical malpractice, but not always. This is because the law acknowledges that medical professionals are human beings, and so they can make mistakes. The law will only hold them liable if they were negligent in providing care. 

Therefore, to understand when a surgical error amounts to medical malpractice, you need to understand medical negligence. 

Medical Malpractice and Human Errors: An Overview

Every case of medical malpractice involves medical error, but every medical error does not amount to medical malpractice. For medical errors to amount to medical malpractice, there must be medical negligence.

Medical negligence in surgical procedures occurs when the surgeon’s action in the operating room falls below the accepted standard of care. This means that another surgeon of similar training and experience would have acted differently in a similar circumstance. Also, the surgeon’s failure to meet the standard of care must be the actual and proximate cause of the harm you suffered. 

The Role of a Medical Malpractice Attorney in Surgical Error Cases

A medical malpractice attorney’s tasks include discussing with you, understanding your medical history, and evaluating your injuries to determine if it’s likely that a surgical error has occurred. If they suspect that the surgical complications you suffered are probably because of surgical error, the next thing is to investigate your case properly and determine if you have a case. 

If they decide you have a case, they will help you file the case, negotiate with insurance companies to try to settle your case, and represent you in court if your case goes to trial.

How McEldrew Purtell Can Help

Proving medical malpractice in surgical errors can be difficult, but you can count on our medical malpractice lawyers at McEldrew Purtell. We will help you understand your case and fight for your right to receive adequate compensation for your injuries. Contact us today to discover the difference our medical malpractice lawyers can make in your case and how we can help you to rebuild your life after a surgical error.

5 Common Medication Errors in Nursing

Medication errors can be damaging or even deadly. Nurses are expected to know how to administer medication and provide the proper dosage as prescribed by a doctor. Yet, the causes of medication errors in nursing practices are numerous. 

How common are medication errors in nursing? One study indicated that the median error rate falls between 8% to 25% during medication administration. This occurs when a nurse makes a medical mistake that violates the applicable standard of care. 

These forms of medical error can cause serious damage or even result in the loss of a loved one. When this happens, you deserve compensation. At McEldrew Purtell, our medical malpractice attorneys know that medication errors in nursing are both common and devastating. We are here to help you seek the financial compensation you deserve.

Causes of Common Medication Errors in Nursing

Why do medication errors occur in nursing? There are many reasons, but some of the most common include:

  • Medication errors due to nursing shortage
  • Lack of knowledge by the nursing staff
  • Nurses giving drugs to the wrong patient
  • Distracted nurses dealing with multiple patients
  • Misreading a drug label and administering the wrong medication
  • Incomplete patient information
  • Systemic problems in the medical facility that fails to reduce the risk of medication errors
  • Memory lapses by nursing staff
  • Failure to account for patient allergies
  • Lack of systematic reviews to reduce the occurrence of medication errors
  • Exhausted and overworked nursing staff

Any of these causes or countless others could be why a nursing medication error harmed you. You may be owed significant compensation for what you have been through.

The 5 Most Common Types of Medication Errors in Nursing

While nearly any type of medication error could occur, the following are some of the  most common in the nursing profession:

Wrong Dose

Giving the wrong dose to a patient is one of the most common errors by nurses. A doctor considers a lot of information and training when prescribing a specific dose, and the nurse must prescribe the right amount of the drug. A common saying is “the dose makes the poison.” This simple quote means that the wrong dose of the right medication can have disastrous or even deadly consequences for the patient.

Nurses should be trained to read doctor instructions and double-check for potential errors. They should also ensure they give an appropriate medication dose when administering them to patients.

Wrong Medication

When a nurse gives the wrong medication to a patient, severe damage can result. However, medication is meant to alleviate or eradicate a medical concern, and failure to get that medication could significantly injure the patient. 

Prescribing the wrong medication may also cause harm. Adverse drug events from incorrect medications can include allergic reactions, cardiovascular issues, strokes, and even death. 

The wrong medication is one of the most common examples of medication errors in nursing, often because the nurse is tired or simply not paying attention. This type of medical malpractice could make the nurse and healthcare provider responsible for your harm.

Improper Timing

Improper timing of medication is another common error. Most medications are prescribed in a specific dosage and are to be administered after a set period of time. If a nurse administers the drug too soon or too late the medication may not work as intended. It may fail to fix the problem it was prescribed for or it could cause additional harm.

A typical example occurs in intensive care units with the administration of pain medication. Powerful drugs like morphine are administered at set intervals. Yet, administering morphine too early can cause a deadly overdose, severely impacting a patient and their family.

Failure to Account for Medication Allergies

Nurses are supposed to ask about and check for medication allergies with their patients. Failure to do so could be medical negligence. Medication allergies can cause severe reactions and patient harm. This includes the risk of anaphylactic reactions and other adverse drug effects that can impact a patient’s health.

Lack of Patient Education About Medication Use

Patient education is an integral part of preventing medication errors. Some drugs require little explanation. The dosage may be clear, and how to take it could be straightforward for a patient to understand. Even in these situations, the patient should be asked whether they understand how to take the medication and any risks associated with it.

For more complicated medications, the level of patient education must be higher. For example, a patient using insulin for the first time must understand how to administer it, when, and in what amounts. The patient must learn several aspects of self-care and self-administration of this new medication. If the nursing staff fails to check with the patient or educate them about their new medication, this could be medical malpractice. 

Potential Damages and Compensation for Nursing Medication Errors

The causes of medication errors in nursing practice are numerous, but each may entitle you to financial compensation. Monetary damages help you recover financially and emotionally from a nurse’s medication errors. This compensation may include:

  • Past and future medical costs
  • Costs of rehabilitation services
  • Costs of new medications as part of your treatment
  • Lost income and lost earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Wrongful death damages

Errors by nurses are common in hospitals, nursing homes, and anywhere else a nurse works. When this happens to you, you could be entitled to financial compensation for the damages you incurred.

How To Seek Justice as a Victim of Nursing Medication Errors

Every year, countless patients are harmed because of nursing medication errors. When this happens to you, the reality is often difficult to bear. You likely suffered physically, emotionally, and financially due to a nurse’s negligence. 

As a victim, you have rights to potential compensation to help you recover your health and your life. An experienced nursing malpractice attorney can help you investigate your case and pursue the monetary damages owed to you.

Let the dedicated medical malpractice lawyers at McEldrew Purtell help you with your case. We have recovered millions for our clients, and we want to help you win the compensation you deserve. 

Contact us today for a consultation.

Strict Liability Tort: Definition, Implications and Examples

Strict liability is a legal standard courts use to determine liability for certain torts. Understanding the implications of strict liability on your legal claim can help you pursue your claim more effectively. The attorneys at McEldrew Purtell can help you with your strict liability tort claims.

Definition and Basic Principles of Strict Liability Tort

What is strict liability tort law?

In American tort law, there are several levels of liability. To understand the implications of strict liability on tort law, it is important to first understand the basic concepts:

  • A tort is an action or omission that leads to injury or harm.
  • Tort liability generally holds another party accountable for their actions via the civil court system.
  • Strict liability torts hold the offending party responsible regardless of the offender’s culpability.

There are three main classes of torts:

  • Strict liability torts
  • Intentional torts
  • Negligence

Intentional torts consider the offender’s intent in connection with the offensive action. Negligence holds offenders responsible for their careless actions. Meanwhile, strict liability disregards the actor’s mental state.

For example, the court views accidentally hitting someone as different than committing battery and intentionally hitting someone.

Strict liability tort law, or absolute liability, differs from strict liability crimes, as the latter falls under criminal law and torts are civil. However, the concept of strict liability remains similar across the civil and criminal courts.

Implications of Strict Liability Tort

Strict liability torts can have different implications than other torts. The courts use a different standard to judge strict liability tort claims. Understanding the legal implications of these torts can help you understand the strength of your claim.

The Impact of Strict Liability Tort on Plaintiffs and Defendants

If someone accuses you of committing a strict liability tort, the court can find you liable if you committed the accused action or omission. The court is not concerned with your fault or intent. The judge does not care if you felt remorse for your actions or if the incident was an honest mistake. Whether you intended the outcome of your actions or acted negligently is immaterial when the court considers strict liability claims.

Strict liability generally allows plaintiffs to prove their claims more easily. Plaintiffs only need to prove the defendant committed the tort. The plaintiff need not prove intent.

Common defenses used by those accused of committing strict liability torts include the following:

  • Assumption of the risk of harm
  • Abuse or misuse of the product
  • Comparative fault

These common strict liability defenses focus on the plaintiff’s role in the accident. A successful defense could convince the court that the plaintiff is fully or partially responsible for the sustained damages.

Strict Liability Tort and Legal Responsibility

If the court finds the defendant liable for committing a strict liability tort, the court may award damages for the harm and injuries caused. These damages may include the following:

Compensatory damages or actual damages: The court awards these damages to compensate the injured party for their losses. Compensatory damages can include property damage, hospital bills for personal injury, and pain and suffering.

Punitive damages: The court imposes these damages on the defendant to punish particularly heinous actions. Punitive damages can be substantial, as courts also use them to warn other parties who may act similarly.

Examples of Strict Liability Tort

Strict liability torts can fall into three common categories. These include product liability claims, animal attacks, and abnormally dangerous activities.

Product Liability Claims

Product liability claims are one common type of strict liability tort that courts hear. In product liability claims, the plaintiff must prove the product is defective. If the plaintiff can accomplish this, the court will find the defendant liable, regardless of the defendant’s intent.

To successfully prove a product liability claim, the plaintiff will attempt to establish the following:

  • The product was not reasonably safe when it was sold.
  • The product seller expected consumers to use the product without additional modifications.
  • The plaintiff used the product as intended.
  • The plaintiff suffered harm as a direct result of the product’s defects.
  • The plaintiff can be compensated for their damages.

Examples of famous product liability claims include the following:

While these product liability claims became well-known, people file less-publicized product liability claims daily. If a defective product has caused you physical harm, consider filing a product liability lawsuit. A personal injury attorney can help analyze the strength of your product liability tort claim.

In product liability claims, you hold the following parties accountable for your damages:

  • The product manufacturer
  • The designer
  • The retailer
  • The wholesaler

Your lawyer can help you determine which parties may be liable for your damages.

Animal Attacks

Animal owners in some states can be held strictly liable for their pets’ actions. Sometimes, the court can hold the owner liable even if they were unaware their pet could be dangerous. 

Alternatively, some states have a one-bite rule. These rules generally protect the pet owner until the animal displays a tendency for violence. 

Generally, the plaintiff must show the court that the animal harmed them, that the animal belongs to the defendant, and that the plaintiff did not provoke it.

Some people keep wild animals that can cause injuries. The owner of a wild animal can be held strictly liable for the physical harm the animal causes.

Abnormally Dangerous Activities

Certain activities are deemed abnormally dangerous by the courts. These are sometimes referred to as ultrahazardous activities.

An abnormally dangerous activity is defined as an activity that is not common and creates a foreseeable and significant risk of injury, even when care is exercised.

If a person conducts an abnormally dangerous activity that results in harm, they can be held strictly liable for their actions.

The Role of an Attorney in Navigating Strict Liability Tort Cases

If you or a family member has been harmed by a strict liability tort, a lawyer may be able to help. The legal system is designed to protect you from unnecessary damages caused by another party’s actions or omissions. Speaking with experienced personal injury lawyers in your area can help you determine the best legal options. 

Whether you were harmed due to an abnormally dangerous activity, an animal attack, or a defective product, the lawyers at McEldrew Purtell are here to help. Contact us today to discuss your strict liability tort claim.

Can You Sue Uber for an Accident?

If you or a loved one has been injured in a recent Uber accident, you likely have questions about your situation. You may have an eligible claim against Uber or other parties to compensate you for your losses. The lawyers at McEldrew Purtell can help you determine your next step.

The Intricacies of Uber Accidents

Similar to other vehicle accidents, like commercial trucking accidents, Uber accidents can happen anytime. If you are involved in an Uber accident, you must know how to react. In many ways, your reaction should be similar to that of any vehicular accident:

  • Check yourself, the Uber driver, and other passengers for injuries.
  • If anyone is injured, call emergency medical services ASAP.
  • If the accident resulted in injuries or significant vehicle damage, call the police. The police officer will file an official report and take witness statements.

Next, you should complete the following Uber-specific actions:

  • Notify Uber of the accident via the Uber application. Alerting Uber of the accident allows them to open a case, which makes it easier to claim compensation.
  • Ensure your Uber driver reports the accident via their Uber application. If they fail to report the accident, it could be difficult to prove it occurred during the rideshare.
  • Ensure your Uber driver takes pictures of each side of the vehicle, regardless of damage.

Once you have completed these steps, you should go straight to medical services for a post-accident examination. This is true even if you feel fine. A doctor can identify unseen injuries that may not manifest until days or weeks have passed. If you delay seeing a medical professional, the insurance companies can argue your injuries are unrelated.

Latent injuries from auto accidents can include the following:

  • Internal bleeding
  • Organ damage
  • Bone damage
  • Strains and sprains

Taking these precautions can safeguard a potential lawsuit against Uber. It is impossible to predict whether you must take your claim to court or if your damages will be promptly covered via an Uber accident settlement. However, your interests are best protected by taking these actions.

Understand Your Legal Rights in an Uber Accident

Uber maintains auto insurance coverage for its rideshare drivers. This insurance policy is based on when the accident occurs:

  • Period 1: The Uber driver is logged into the Uber app but has not accepted a ride. Uber provides the following liability coverage:
    • $50,000 per person injured in the accident
    • $100,000 total injury liability per accident
    • $25,000 in property damage liability
  • Period 2: The Uber driver has accepted a trip and is en route to the passenger. Uber provides liability coverage of $1 million.
  • Period 3: The passenger is in the Uber vehicle during the accident. Uber provides up to $1 million in liability coverage and additional limited coverage for damage to the Uber driver’s car and potential uninsured motorists’ coverage.

If you are injured in an Uber accident, you have limited time to file a personal injury claim. Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations for Uber accidents is generally two years.

Prevention and Safety Measures for Uber Passengers

No one can guarantee your safety when you hail an Uber ride. Even the most cautious Uber drivers can crash. However, if you are taking an Uber ride, there are a few Uber safety tips that can decrease your risks of accident:

  1. Always check your ride before entering. You can match the license plate number, the car’s make and model, and the driver’s photo.
  2. Always start each ride with the app.
  3. Choose safe pickup and drop-off areas.
  4. Always wear your seat belt.
  5. Use the Uber app to share your trip status with loved ones.
  6. Follow your intuition. Do not get into the vehicle if your Uber driver seems impaired, distracted, or exhausted.
  7. End the ride if you feel unsafe. Riders are allowed to end their ride at any time.

These simple tips can help you avoid Uber accidents and serious injuries while traveling in rideshare vehicles. 

The Legal Process for Suing Uber

Can you sue Uber for an accident?

If you have been injured in an Uber accident, the first step is discovering whether your Uber accident claims are valid. Contact a local law firm to discuss the details of your claim with experienced personal injury lawyers. 

If your car accident lawyer believes your claim is valid, they can help you lodge your auto accident lawsuit against Uber.

Steps Involved in Suing Uber for an Accident

The most common way to file an Uber lawsuit includes the following steps:

  1. Hire an experienced attorney familiar with rideshare lawsuit claims.
  2. Gather documentation to prove your damages and losses. Your documentation should include receipts for personal injury, property damage, and all related medical bills.
  3. Communicate with the relevant insurance companies regarding your insurance claims.
  4. Determine which parties will be named in your claim. This could include the at-fault driver, Uber, and other parties.
  5. Gather evidence to prove Uber is liable for your damages. 
  6. Send Uber your demand letter.
  7. Negotiate with Uber regarding an out-of-court settlement.
  8. File your Uber lawsuit with your court.
  9. Argue your case before the court.

While these steps are fairly complicated and require specific knowledge, they should not prevent you from seeking justice for your damages. An experienced Uber accident attorney can help you recover the damages you deserve.

The Role of an Accident Lawyer in Uber Accident Cases

Hiring a knowledgeable Uber accident lawyer can help in several ways. Your attorney can:

  • Simplify the challenging legal tasks involved with filing a claim against Uber
  • Ensure you include all compensable damages in your claim
  • Ensure you name all liable parties in your lawsuit
  • Ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for your losses

An Uber accident can cause significant damages requiring compensation. These damages include the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Prescription drugs
  • Psychological services
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Lost future wages
  • Disability and disfigurement
  • Funeral services

Courts may sometimes impose punitive damages for Uber’s role in your accident. While punitive damages are rare, they can be significant. 

An experienced and knowledgeable personal injury attorney familiar with lawsuits against rideshare companies will ensure you receive compensation for all your relevant losses. 

How McEldrew Purtell Can Assist With Your Accident Lawsuit

The rideshare accident lawyers at McEldrew Purtell are ready to provide you with the savvy legal counsel you need. Many Uber accident lawsuits settle out of court. Your Uber accident lawyer will advise you to ensure you are fully informed of your rights throughout the legal process. If you are unsatisfied with any settlement offers, our team will help you take your case to trial.

Contact us today to speak with a lawyer from McEldrew Purtell.

When to Hire an Attorney for a Brain Injury

If your client has suffered a brain injury due to another party’s negligence, they may be able to file a catastrophic injury lawsuit to recover their losses.

Read this guide to learn four reasons why brain injury survivors should hire an attorney and common brain injury types. You’ll also learn how to seek legal representation for your client.

4 Reasons Brain Injury Survivors Should Hire an Attorney

Survivors have four main reasons for hiring an experienced traumatic brain injury attorney:

Loss of Enjoyment of Life

Depending on the nature of their injuries, brain injury victims may no longer be able to enjoy certain activities or hobbies. For example, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) may lead to poor balance, resulting in an inability to bike or mountain climb.

Fortunately, victims can receive damages for loss of enjoyment of life. However, such losses can be difficult to prove because they’re intangible. If you’re an individual lawyer or a small law firm with limited resources, time and catastrophic injury lawsuit experience, an experienced Pennsylvania brain injury lawyer can evaluate a victim’s situation and fight for their rights on your behalf. 

Accidents That Impact the Brain Can Be Life-Changing Injuries

Like many other catastrophic incidents, accidents that impact the brain can be life-changing. For example, some victims become paralyzed due to brain injuries. As a result, they can no longer eat and walk independently. They may also have:

  • Disfiguring scars and burns that impact their self-image
  • A closed head injury and severe headaches that prevent them from working full-time
  • Amputations that limit their ability to work and live independently
  • Severe psychological issues such as emotional distress, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression
  • Cognitive issues such as memory loss

While money can’t fix life-changing injuries, victims can get a skilled brain injury attorney to take legal action and recover past, current and future costs. They can also use the money to get better treatment.

Negligent Parties Should Be Responsible for Medicare Care

Medicare costs for brain injuries can be extremely high. Accordingly, you should consider referring brain injury victims to top law firms like McEldrew Purtell. These lawyers can hold responsible parties liable for Medicare costs. Unlike smaller and less experienced firms and attorneys, these law firms have the money, time, staff and expertise to get your clients the results they deserve. McEldrew Purtell, in particular, boasts:

  • 28 dedicated and passionate legal professionals
  • Award-winning results, including $50 million in medical malpractice recoveries

Seemingly Minor Trauma Can Have Major Implications

Minor trauma — such as minor headaches, sensitivity to light and noise, lightheadedness and balance problems — might be symptomatic of larger issues, such as loss of consciousness, skull fractures and ruptured blood vessels. 

Left unchecked, these minor problems may cause life-altering conditions, such as blindness, slurred speech, seizures, behavior changes and memory loss. Victims may also lose their chance to get the damages they deserve. For instance, they may only get $2,000 for lightheadedness and minor balance problems when they actually deserve $200,000 for a ruptured brain vessel that will later cost them their vision.

The right personal injury attorney can work with doctors to:

  • Identify the severity of the victim’s injuries
  • Identify all consequences of the victim’s injuries
  • Build and advance a case for maximum recovery
  • Hold the responsible party liable for:
    • Economic costs like medical bills
    • Non-economic costs like loss of enjoyment of life and emotional distress

Common Types of Brain Injury

There are many types of brain injuries, including:

  • TBIs: These are brain injuries caused by trauma to the head. Typical causes include assaults, traffic accidents, falls and accidents at work and home. Effects of TBIs can be wide-ranging and depend on several factors, including location, type and severity.
  • Intracranial hematoma (ICH): ICH is bleeding in the brain caused by the rupture of a blood vessel. There are several types of ICH, including:
    • Epidural hematoma: This occurs when a blood clot forms under the skull but on top of the dura, the covering surrounding the brain. Epidural hematomas usually result from a tear in the middle meningeal artery, which runs just under the skull. They’re usually associated with skull fractures. 
    • Intracerebral or contusion hematoma: An intracerebral or contusion hematoma is a brain bruise. It causes swelling and bleeding inside the brain where the head was struck. It usually occurs with skull fractures and other ICHs like epidural or subdural hematomas. 
    • Subdural hematoma: This happens when a blood clot forms underneath the skull and dura, but outside the brain. They’re usually the result of a cut on the brain or a tear in the veins that extend from the brain to the dura.
    • Diffuse axonal injury (DAI): DAIs happen when the brain is shaken back and forth. Patients with DAI have many brain injuries and are usually comatose. 
  • Skull fractures: A skull fracture is a break in the cranial bone or skull. There are four main types of skull fractures, including:
    • Depressed skull fractures: This kind of fracture may be seen with or without a cut on the scalp. In this brain injury type, part of the skull is sunken from the trauma. Depressed skull fractures may require surgery to correct the deformity.
    • Linear skull fractures: The most common type of skull fracture, a linear fracture involves a break in the bone that doesn’t move the bone. Patients can usually resume normal activities after a few days. 
    • Basilar skull fractures: The most severe type of skull fracture, basilar skull fractures involve a break in the bone at the skull base. Patients with this injury often have bruises behind their ears and around their eyes. They may also have fluid draining from their ears or nose due to a tear in their brain covering. 

Seek Legal Representation and Get the Compensation You Deserve

Getting the maximum compensation for brain injuries is challenging. Without the proper resources, expertise, time and energy, you may not be able to get what you deserve.

That’s why you should trust a qualified law firm like McEldrew Purtell. Just tell us about your needs, and we’ll match you with reputable Pennsylvania brain injury attorneys who fit your needs. Besides handling your traumatic brain injury cases, our lawyers can also. Call or email us today to learn more about how we can help you.