Can You Sue Uber for an Accident?

June 13, 2023

If you or a loved one has been injured in a recent Uber accident, you likely have questions about your situation. You may have an eligible claim against Uber or other parties to compensate you for your losses. The lawyers at McEldrew Purtell can help you determine your next step.

The Intricacies of Uber Accidents

Similar to other vehicle accidents, like commercial trucking accidents, Uber accidents can happen anytime. If you are involved in an Uber accident, you must know how to react. In many ways, your reaction should be similar to that of any vehicular accident:

  • Check yourself, the Uber driver, and other passengers for injuries.
  • If anyone is injured, call emergency medical services ASAP.
  • If the accident resulted in injuries or significant vehicle damage, call the police. The police officer will file an official report and take witness statements.

Next, you should complete the following Uber-specific actions:

  • Notify Uber of the accident via the Uber application. Alerting Uber of the accident allows them to open a case, which makes it easier to claim compensation.
  • Ensure your Uber driver reports the accident via their Uber application. If they fail to report the accident, it could be difficult to prove it occurred during the rideshare.
  • Ensure your Uber driver takes pictures of each side of the vehicle, regardless of damage.

Once you have completed these steps, you should go straight to medical services for a post-accident examination. This is true even if you feel fine. A doctor can identify unseen injuries that may not manifest until days or weeks have passed. If you delay seeing a medical professional, the insurance companies can argue your injuries are unrelated.

Latent injuries from auto accidents can include the following:

  • Internal bleeding
  • Organ damage
  • Bone damage
  • Strains and sprains

Taking these precautions can safeguard a potential lawsuit against Uber. It is impossible to predict whether you must take your claim to court or if your damages will be promptly covered via an Uber accident settlement. However, your interests are best protected by taking these actions.

Understand Your Legal Rights in an Uber Accident

Uber maintains auto insurance coverage for its rideshare drivers. This insurance policy is based on when the accident occurs:

  • Period 1: The Uber driver is logged into the Uber app but has not accepted a ride. Uber provides the following liability coverage:
    • $50,000 per person injured in the accident
    • $100,000 total injury liability per accident
    • $25,000 in property damage liability
  • Period 2: The Uber driver has accepted a trip and is en route to the passenger. Uber provides liability coverage of $1 million.
  • Period 3: The passenger is in the Uber vehicle during the accident. Uber provides up to $1 million in liability coverage and additional limited coverage for damage to the Uber driver’s car and potential uninsured motorists’ coverage.

If you are injured in an Uber accident, you have limited time to file a personal injury claim. Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations for Uber accidents is generally two years.

Prevention and Safety Measures for Uber Passengers

No one can guarantee your safety when you hail an Uber ride. Even the most cautious Uber drivers can crash. However, if you are taking an Uber ride, there are a few Uber safety tips that can decrease your risks of accident:

  1. Always check your ride before entering. You can match the license plate number, the car’s make and model, and the driver’s photo.
  2. Always start each ride with the app.
  3. Choose safe pickup and drop-off areas.
  4. Always wear your seat belt.
  5. Use the Uber app to share your trip status with loved ones.
  6. Follow your intuition. Do not get into the vehicle if your Uber driver seems impaired, distracted, or exhausted.
  7. End the ride if you feel unsafe. Riders are allowed to end their ride at any time.

These simple tips can help you avoid Uber accidents and serious injuries while traveling in rideshare vehicles. 

The Legal Process for Suing Uber

Can you sue Uber for an accident?

If you have been injured in an Uber accident, the first step is discovering whether your Uber accident claims are valid. Contact a local law firm to discuss the details of your claim with experienced personal injury lawyers. 

If your car accident lawyer believes your claim is valid, they can help you lodge your auto accident lawsuit against Uber.

Steps Involved in Suing Uber for an Accident

The most common way to file an Uber lawsuit includes the following steps:

  1. Hire an experienced attorney familiar with rideshare lawsuit claims.
  2. Gather documentation to prove your damages and losses. Your documentation should include receipts for personal injury, property damage, and all related medical bills.
  3. Communicate with the relevant insurance companies regarding your insurance claims.
  4. Determine which parties will be named in your claim. This could include the at-fault driver, Uber, and other parties.
  5. Gather evidence to prove Uber is liable for your damages. 
  6. Send Uber your demand letter.
  7. Negotiate with Uber regarding an out-of-court settlement.
  8. File your Uber lawsuit with your court.
  9. Argue your case before the court.

While these steps are fairly complicated and require specific knowledge, they should not prevent you from seeking justice for your damages. An experienced Uber accident attorney can help you recover the damages you deserve.

The Role of an Accident Lawyer in Uber Accident Cases

Hiring a knowledgeable Uber accident lawyer can help in several ways. Your attorney can:

  • Simplify the challenging legal tasks involved with filing a claim against Uber
  • Ensure you include all compensable damages in your claim
  • Ensure you name all liable parties in your lawsuit
  • Ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for your losses

An Uber accident can cause significant damages requiring compensation. These damages include the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Prescription drugs
  • Psychological services
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Lost future wages
  • Disability and disfigurement
  • Funeral services

Courts may sometimes impose punitive damages for Uber’s role in your accident. While punitive damages are rare, they can be significant. 

An experienced and knowledgeable personal injury attorney familiar with lawsuits against rideshare companies will ensure you receive compensation for all your relevant losses. 

How McEldrew Purtell Can Assist With Your Accident Lawsuit

The rideshare accident lawyers at McEldrew Purtell are ready to provide you with the savvy legal counsel you need. Many Uber accident lawsuits settle out of court. Your Uber accident lawyer will advise you to ensure you are fully informed of your rights throughout the legal process. If you are unsatisfied with any settlement offers, our team will help you take your case to trial.

Contact us today to speak with a lawyer from McEldrew Purtell.