How To Choose a Dangerous Drug Law Firm

April 14, 2023

Dangerous drugs can cause serious harm to you or a family member. Medications meant to help you heal can result in physical or psychological injury, sometimes with long-lasting or permanent effects.

You can take action to help repair some of the harm. The right dangerous drug law firm can work with you to get the support you and your family need to move forward. 

What Is Classified as a Dangerous Drug?

Any drug can become dangerous if it’s not used correctly. Some drugs — even over-the-counter (OTC) medications — have the potential to cause more harm than others, but different people have different medical needs. Certain drugs come with a higher risk of some types of cancer, heart attacks, or liver damage. But, on balance, the medication may be the right choice for an individual because of its benefits.

So asking “What is a dangerous drug?” is sometimes less important than determining who should take the drug and under what circumstances. 

Drug manufacturers are profit driven. They may push a drug through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approvals process but downplay or ignore side effects that arose in clinical trials. And once a drug hits the market, they may fail to take action after reports of harm or injury.

Even drugs known to be generally safe, such as prescription medications the medical community has relied upon for decades, can become dangerous when not used as directed.

Situations when a drug can become dangerous include:

  • Failing to warn of a drug’s dangerous side effects
  • Failing to recall a drug after reports of harm
  • Giving the wrong dose
  • Giving the wrong medication
  • Giving a medication when it may cause harm because of contraindications or risks to the patient’s quality of life

As someone who’s been hurt by a dangerous drug, you shouldn’t have to worry about the legal details — that’s the job of a dangerous drug law firm.

How To Find the Right Lawyer for Your Dangerous Drug Claim

Many personal injury lawyers advertise their services, making it challenging to sort through the marketing and noise to find the best law firm for you and your family. Researching attorneys before calling or meeting with them in person can help you find the best legal advocate for your case.

Ask People You Know or Professionals for Referrals

The best place to start is often with people you know. Ask friends and family if they have worked with an attorney they would recommend.

If friends and family can’t offer a referral, try other professionals you know. Your accountant or doctor may have someone they could recommend. You can also do some online research.

Make a List of Lawyers Who Are Close To Meeting Your Needs

Once you have a short list of law firms, review their websites, search their listings in the local bar association for any complaints, and ensure they have experience successfully handling similar dangerous drug claims.

Look at Previous Client Reviews Online

Online reviews can be a good source of information about lawyers you’ve never met, especially if you are considering contacting a firm you found via a Google search. 

Although everyone has good and bad experiences with professionals of all stripes, online reviews can show consistent patterns in client experiences.

For example, reviews can tell you if the law firm:

  • Was responsive to emails and phone calls
  • Kept a client in the loop regarding their case
  • Communicated with insurers on the client’s behalf
  • Was upfront about fees and disbursements
  • Had the client’s best interest in mind

Reviews can also highlight red flags, allowing you to take a firm off your list of potential attorneys.

Ask a Wide Range of Questions To Ensure They Will Meet Your Needs

Meeting with a lawyer to discuss a personal medical matter can be intimidating. The right law firm will be responsive to your questions to make the process easier for you.

Some of the questions you might have include:

  • How often do you handle claims like mine?
  • When I have questions, who do I call?
  • How long will my case take?
  • What paperwork do I need to give you?
  • Do you deal with insurance companies?
  • What if I’m too sick to come to your office?
  • Can I keep seeing my doctor?
  • Can you help me find medical care?
  • Can I be reimbursed for medical expenses?
  • What are your fees?

During these conversations, you can get a sense of whether the lawyer (and their firm) is the right one to advocate on your behalf.

Know the Law Firm’s Size and How Long They’ve Been in Practice

Experience matters. Seasoned lawyers know the system and how to deal with courts, legal officers, insurance companies, and other parties involved in your claim. 

Although solo practitioners may have experience, they may not have the time or resources to give your case the attention it needs. That’s why it’s essential to find out how many people the firm would have working on your team.

Evaluate Their Experience With Drug Companies

Each law firm has its central practice areas. As someone looking for an attorney in a dangerous drug case, you want to work with a firm with plenty of experience working with big pharmaceutical companies.

Look at their past dangerous drug lawsuits and settlements. Review the kinds of claims they regularly handle on behalf of clients that involve complex medical information and large, bureaucratic organizations that don’t want to reveal their trade secrets or research methods.

This level of experience ensures the firm has the right legal knowledge — and the understanding of how drug makers work. 

Get the Financial Compensation You Deserve With the Best Defective Drug Lawyer

McEldrew Purtell offers our potential clients no-cost, risk-free consultations, so contact us today to learn how our experienced attorneys can help with your dangerous drug case.